Stumble Guys: Stumble and Seek Event – Tips and Reward Skins

Unlock new stumble guys skins and emote through Stumble & Seek event in the Season 1 of Stumble Guys.

Since the start of the August 2024 season, multiple events and tournaments have arrived featuring collaboration skins and ability tokens. Stumble Guys introduced the Stumble & Seek event providing an opportunity to claim new rare stumbler skin as the grand prize.

Here is a guide to Ace Hide and Seek with ease but it is essential to know about the basics to deep dive into the new event.

Stumble and Seek Event in Stumble Guys

Similar to Ranked Mode matches, Stumble & Seek is a special event lasting for a week where players are teamed up in two parts mainly Seekers and Hiders. Each’s successful round gives XP, crowns, and stars thus increasing event progression.

How to play the Stumble & Seek event in Stumble Guys

Learn how to play new event to secure top position for exclusive skins.
Learn how to play new events to secure the top position for exclusive skins.

Stumble Guys already has a Hide & Seek map, where players are assigned a team of either Hiders or Seekers. The team which plays with coordination wins altogether while the losing team is eliminated all at once.

The Hiders need to transform them into map items such as chairs, tables, jugs, tanks, closets, etc. Each round lasts for 2 minutes where Hiders need to change their shape and camouflage with the surroundings so Seekers don’t burst them.

Tips and Tricks for Hide and Seek Map in Stumble Guys

  • If you are hiding, choose those shapes that are present in the surroundings.
  • Always match the surrounding objects and don’t move when Seeker is around
  • Don’t change shape when Seeker is around as it is easy to spot
  • If you are a seeker, climb high ground to get a view of a wider map
  • When Hider is spotted, attack the target and knock him out
  • The game requires coordination to win

Stumble and  Seek Stumbler Skins and Rewards

Reward list of Stumble and Seek event in the game.
Reward list of Stumble and Seek events in the game.

As the event lasts longer than usual, the reward list has 12 tiers allowing users to claim footsteps and free stumbler skin in the end.

Round WonReward (Stars)
6175 + Footstep
12250 + Stumble Guys Skin

Stumble and Seek require team coordination so does the other ongoing event of Block Dash Teams. This is a perfect opportunity to play with friends and collect valuable rewards.


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