Squad Busters: How to play and win Crystal Forest battle mod

The August Update in Squad Busters has added a few more Battle Mods – Crystal Forest, Timeout, and Hatchling Herder along with Lava World. The combination of these mods with different world maps leads to exciting outcomes. Therefore it is essential to master not just characters but also mods and maps.

Here is a guide to winning battles consisting of Crystal Forest. We will start by understanding the changes that this mod brings and the formation of strategy depending on the circumstances.

Squad Busters Crystal Forest

The magical trees are overgrown across the map. These crystal trees drop a few gems, coins, and tokens. As we know, only Greg’s character can cut those trees, thus we get Hero Greg’s character in a lucky find at the beginning of the battle.

How is Crystal Forest different from other mods?

Each battle modifier slightly modifies existing gameplay such as ‘Timedout’ busts squad when the player’s timer ends. In the same way, Crystal Forest spawns magical trees everywhere, providing a good amount of gems and coins.

This significantly changes the behavior of players as cutting trees becomes a top priority instead of bursting the squads. The battle ends with each player gathering hundreds to thousands of gems by use of Bandits, Trader, and other supplier troops.

Tips and Tricks to win Crystal Forest in Squad Busters

Battle Modifier of Crystal Forest
Battle Modifier of Crystal Forest
  • Focus on cutting magic trees instead of fighting against monsters or enemy squad
  • The squad should include units that give gems on collecting coins
  • Select Chicken to get Turbo Boots thus increasing your speed
  • Avoid the central area unless you have formed a strong squad
  • Protect Hero Greg at all costs to have a steady supply of resources

These tactics will enhance your gameplay and help you decide your priority under difficult scenarios. The best tip is to practice and get comfortable with each map and modifier and create a strategy that suits you well.


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