Neko Atsume 2: Kitty Collector Guide: Gold Fish, All Cats, Tips and Tricks

List of all cats, goodies and ways to earn Gold Fish and Stamps.

Are you a cat lover? A perfect game has been released where you collect different types of cat. This game is  Neko Atsume 2: Kitty Collector developed by Hit-Point Co., Ltd. who previously published Neko Atsume and Spoon Pet Collector.

Here is a guide on Neko Atsume 2 which will teach you to catch cats, college stamps silver and gold fish, unlocking new goodies along with tips and tricks to master the game.

Neko Atsume 2 Guide

Once you install the game, a short tutorial is provided teaching players to purchase goodies (snacks and toys) which will later attract cats to your yard. Fish is the universal currency that allows you to buy goodies, earn stamps, make yard expansion, and several other things.

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How to play Neko Atsume 2: Kitty Collector?

With more than 40 different varieties of cats, We as the owners of Yard try to collect each kitty by luring them with food and toys. Cats only appear in the yard when you close the game.

How to Earn Gold Fish in Neko Atsume 2

Ways to collect Gold Fish in the game
Ways to collect Gold Fish in the game

When a cat arrives in the backyard, it plays with the toys or sleeps on the couch. After some time, it vanishes from the place, leaving behind Silver Fish as a thank-you gesture. However, some rare cats provide an opportunity to collect Gold Fish tokens.

Besides gifts, Players can convert 250 Silver Fish into 10 Gold Fish. While Gold Fishes can be purchased using in-app purchases through the shop.

How to get Stamps in Neko Atsume 2

Collect Stamp Cards for rewards
Collect Stamp Cards for rewards

Neko Atsume 2 has a feature to visit friends’ yards using an SNS link. To visit other players, you need stamps and each visit costs 1 stamp.

There are several ways to collect stamp but converting 20 Silver Fish into 1 Stamp is most easy task to do. Additionally, you get 1 free stamp everyday when you log in.

Going Out is a great way to visit neighbours and grasp their tactics used to attract valuable cats in a good quantity.

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List of Goodies in Neko Atsume 2: Kitty Collector

Frisky BitzSnacks
Ritzy BitzSnacks
Bonito BitzSnacks
Deluxe Tuna BitzSnacks
Sashimi BoatSnacks
Rubber BallBalls
Stress RelieverBalls
Ball of YarnBalls
Temari BallBalls
Shopping Box (Large)Cardboards
Cardboard TruckCardboards
Cardboard HouseCardboards
Cardboard CafeCardboards
Fluffy BedCushions
Burger CushionCushions
Bean BagCushions
Plum CoccoonCushions
Tail-thing TeaserToys
Busy BeeToys
Twisty RailToys
Scratching PostToys
Shopping BoxContainer
Eco BagContainer
Fruit BasketContainer
Earthenware PotContainer
Jumbo Glass MugContainer
Fish ExchangeOther
Box TissueOther
Goldfish BowlOther
Golden Fish StatueOther

All Cats in Neko Atsume 2: Kitty Collector

Cat TypePersonality
Solid WhiteMellow
Orange & White TabbySpacey
Black w/ White MittsAdventurous
Mackerel TabbyLazy
Gray & White TabbyFaint-Hearted
Tan & Orange TabbySlacker
Grey PatchesGuileless

Tips and Tricks

Use these tips and tricks to boost collection of coins, fish, stamps and more.
Use these tips and tricks to boost your collection of coins, fish, stamps, and more.
  • Place goodies in all the available space to accommodate more cats in a single go 
  • Purchase expensive items to attract rare kitties more frequently
  • Keep track of goodies that are liked by most cats. Use Catbook and Gift history for this purpose
  • Use the Going Out feature to take ideas from good yards as well as collect stamps for Stamp Cards
  • Once the Stamp Card is full, exchange it for exciting prizes
  • Don’t forget to refill empty food and snacks to lure hungry cats
  • Purchasing Cat’s Club adds a Helper Cat and Myneko – Special Cat to help you manage your yard
  • Use the Camera feature to store beautiful memories in an album

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