Archero 2 Guide: Gears, Talent Cards, Ability Tier List, Tips and Tricks

Select Skills and win battles in Archero 2

A new and enhanced roguelike sequel to Archero is now available for Android and iOS. We are talking about Archero 2, developed by Habby, the publishers behind Archero, Capybara Go!, and several others.

Archero 2 is an improvised version that provides better combat, stage, and roguelike experience. Here is a guide to teach you basics such as talent cards, tier list for gears, cards, and abilities along with proven tips and tactics.

Archero 2 Guide

Archero 2 Guide on how to play
Archero 2 Guide on how to play

In Archero 2, the Player is assigned the position of Commander to face a wave of deadly monsters. The journey is long and tough, requiring gears, guilds, runes, and artifacts. In the battle, the player must strategically choose 1 ability (skills) from a set of three to survive till the end.

Related: Capybara Go Guide and Tier List

How to earn gems and gold coins in Archero 2?

Gold coins are required to unlock new Gacha cards and level up gears while gems are universal currency allowing you to purchase coins, refill energy, open chests, and more.

  • Participate in events for additional amounts of gems and coins
  • Purchase privilege card: Monthly Card and Permanent Supply Card for daily free gems
  • Don’t forget to grab the Newbie Pack for rare items

Campaign Mode

Archero 2 has 50 chapters in campaign mode. You need to defeat all 50 waves to complete each chapter where you battle with the boss for every 10th wave. Between the waves, the player gets the opportunity to choose extra abilities from Valkyrie, Demon, Angle, and Roulette.

Chapter NumberChapter Name
1Moonlight Forest
2Cloud Dreamland
3Autumn Ruins
4Breeze Prairie
5Shadow King City
10Ice and Snow Land
15Gold and Silver Island
20Autumn Pasture
25Cloud Isolated Island
30Nightfall Ruins
35Nightfall Suspension Bridge
40Childlike Amusement Park
45Sky Stronghold
50 (Last)Fairytale Fortress

If you are struggling to surpass a certain chapter, claim free stuff from Hunt and Stage Clear Rewards that will help you upgrade gears.

Talent Cards

List of all talent cards ranked in Archero 2
List of all talent cards ranked in Archero 2

In addition to gear equipment, Talent Cards are a special type of collectible that leverages skills. At present, a total of 20 talent cards play a vital role in boosting attacks, defenses, and health.

How to get Talent Cards in Archero 2?

Each chapter provides an opportunity to unlock newer cards using gold coins. When you have abundant gold, simply click ‘Gacha’ to redeem a new or upgraded version of an existing card.

Related: Heroes of History tier list for best heroes

Talent Cards Tier List

Talent CardTier (Star)
Ult CRIT Rate1
Ult Dodge1
Super Vigor1
Super Strength1
Super Iron Wall2
Super Dodge1
Super CRIT Rate1
Iron Wall2

Character and Gears

Different gears for your characters
Different gears for your characters

It is possible to upgrade your character gears which ultimately increase ATK, PWR, DMG, HP, and CRIT Rate.

GearScroll to unlock the gear
WeaponWeapon Scroll
AmuletAmulet Scroll
RingRing Scroll
ArmourArmour Scroll
HelmetHelmet Scroll
BootsBoot Scroll

Battle provides a key for Gear Chest which guarantees gear. Silver Chest has Uncommon and Common gears while Obsidian Chest has Epic gears included. Out of these, the Chromatic Chest is the most valuable item if you want S-Tier Epic gear.

Ability Tier List

Archero 2 Skills Tier List
Archero 2 Skills Tier List

All the abilities are classified into Fine, Rare, Epic, and Legendary based on their strength. In the beginning rounds, you get to choose fine or rare skills but higher waves require abilities that are extremely powerful and capable of defeating the ending boss.

Ability (Skill)Tier
Corrosive FieldLegendary
Power TrioLegendary
Super MeteorLegendary
Sacred ProtectionLegendary
Rapid FireLegendary
Wind BlessingEpic
Weapon EnchantmentEpic
Giant’s StrengthEpic
Double Sword ShotEpic
Slow FieldEpic
Split ArrowRare
Piercing ArrowRare
Forward ArrowRare
Cloud FootedRare
Backward ArrowFine
Flying Sword PursuitFine
Flame Meteor PotionFine
Restore HPFine


Event and Challenges
Event and Challenges

Apart from regular campaigns, you can play different sorts of events. Events are another way to claim valuable rewards such as chest keys and scrolls.

  • Sky Tower
  • Arena
  • Gold Cave
  • Rune Ruins

Tips and Tricks

tips and tricks for Archero 2
tips and tricks for Archero 2
  • Get familiar with skills and find which one works best for you
  • Always focus on restoring HP or increasing HP limit to last longer
  • Choose the optimum ability from Angel and Valkyrie to boost stamina
  • Spend money to unlock higher rarity talent cards which will help in every battle
  • Unlock gears and merge similar ones in the ‘Blacksmith’ shop to level up faster
  • Don’t forget to collect login rewards along with freebies in the shop
  • Save gems as much as possible to draw Chromatic chests

These are some of the best tips that players should follow to perform better with strategic gameplay.

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